
Gm final practicals (short case)

  CHIEF COMPLAINT:   A 27 years male patient occupation by electrician came with chief complaints of pain abdomen since 3 months  HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS :-  patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months back, then he had a trauma where his relatives have beaten him with stick at the left hypochondrium region and  then he developed mild diffuse abdominal pain associated with bilious vomiting contains food particles , then the pain subsided on taking medications . After a few days he again developed pain abdomen at the left hypochondrium region and the pain radiating to back , then he went to government hospital where he under went treatment but the symptoms didn't subsided . So he went to a private hospital we he took treatment but in the middle of treatment , he tested postive in the hospital , so he went to home isolation , were he approached a local  rmp for the pain abdomen and covid . After  5 days he tested negative in mid of January  so he went back to the same private  ho

Gm final practicals (long case)

  Feb 6,2022 A 50 year male farmer ,manual labourer,brought  to casualty with h/o altered sensorium since 1 day H/o fever since 4 days. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS - Patient was apparently asymptomatic 4 days ago,then he developed fever which is high grade,No diurnal variation, associated with chills. No h/o cough and GE symptoms.  Attenders tells h/o stoppage of  OHA for 3days, h/o decreased intake of food as he has fever. H/o altered sensorium since 1 day. Irrelevant talk,not recognising attenders since this morning . Able to move all four limbs,No h/o vomitings, head ache, seizures. Took him to nalgonda hospital SHIFTED HERE FOR FURTHUR MANAGEMENT.  PAST HISTORY -  H/o TB 2YRS back used anti tubercular therapy for 6 months. Diagnosed as Type -2 Diabetes mellitus on oral hypoglycemic medication 1 YR back. No H/O Hypertension , CVA(cerebral vascular accident) , CAD(coronary artery disease), COVID-19. PERSONAL HISTORY : DIET - MIXED, APPETITE -NORMAL , BOWEL MOVEMENT - REGULAR ,  BLADD

Prefinals general medicine

1) Define heart failure. Etiology and clinical features of heart failure? How do we diagnose heart failure clinically , physical examination and various modalities used in diagnosis of heart failure.    2) Define cirrhosis of liver. Etiopathogenesis of cirrhosis. Write a brief note on clinical features diagnosis and treatment of chirhosis of liver. 11) acitic fluid analysis  12) protein pump inhibitors  15) differential diagnosis of fever with rash 16) insulin therapy in diabetes mellitus 20) hormones secreted by pituitary gland 4)Etiology of plural effusion and diagnostic criteria 5)diagnosis and treatment in dengue fever 10)complications of dialysis  3) elaborate on clinical features and diagnostic modalities in diagnosis of renal calculi 9)etiology and treatment of pneumonia  7) treatment of acute pylonephritis 6)clinical features and diagnosis of peptic ulcer disease  8)treatment of abdominal tuberculosis  17) antihypertensive drugs in chronic renal failure