

Case of Gastroenteritis

 Case of Gastroenteritis 

A 70 year old female presented to opd with chief

 complaints of lower back pain since 10 days and 

Blebs on right foot since 20 days .

Patient had a fever 15 years back,went to hospital for check up and got to know that she is hypertensive patient .

10 years ago patient had joint pains,mostly elbow joint (patient is not aware of sequence of the pain )

8years back ,joint pains aggravated , started using medications , pain got subsided, stoped using medications and pains started again.

4 years ago underwent tooth extraction when she fell down doing some work.

3 years ago ,had fever ,admitted in our hospital, found that she had some renal problem (no records available ) and later discharged.

One year ago ,patient had facial puffiness,generalized weakness with multiple joint pains.

5 months ago,had severe wrist joint pain with restricted movement, distal interphalangeal joint pain,proximal interphalangeal joint pain .

10 days ago, developed blebs on dorsal aspect of right foot later formed scab with swelling which regressed now.lowe back pain, 2 episodes of vomitings,5 to 6 episodes of diarrhea in a day, burning micturation , cought and shortness of breath. 

General Examination:

No pallor

No cyanosis 

No lymadenopathy

No icterus 

No clubbing

Edema of foot 

Temperature - 96.6 F

Pulse rate 110 per min

Blood pressure 100 /70 - not on antihypertensive from 4 days 

Spo2- 98%

GRBS - 87mg %

Systemic Examination : 

RS - Bronchial artery embolization +, Normal vesicular breath sound +

CVS - S1, S2 heard 

Per abdomen - soft ,non tender 

Investigations : 

Haemoglobin- 5.6

Urea -89


UA - 18.4

Ca - 10 


Provisinal diagnosis:

Acute Gastroenteritis 

Iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome 


Inj-optinueron 1 amp 100mg IV

Tab-Trednidone 5mg

Tab-Ultracet 1/2 mg

ORS sachet in 2 litres water after each stool


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